Dental Check ups in London | Marble Arch W2

Dental check up | Stanhope Place Dental Practice W2

In today’s busy society, it is difficult to keep up with all the routines that keep us healthy. Above all, maintaining good oral health is often overlooked. For instance, most people in the UK miss having regular dental check up.

Regular dental check up is the most efficient way of ensuring good oral health. However, many people don’t understand the benefits of dental check-ups. Because they don’t know what to expect during a typical dental check up, they feel anxious about visiting a dentist.

Why Should You Have Regular Dental Exams?

Unfortunately, very often the word ‘dentist’ is associated with negative impressions in people’s minds. As a result, many people only visit the dentist when they feel pain or think something is seriously wrong; regular oral care can avoid both scenarios. Regular visits to the dentist helps early diagnosis of dental problems. This can prevent the need for invasive dental procedures.

Tooth decay, cavities, gum diseases, and oral cancer are detected during a dental check up. Identifying and dealing with these problems early will increase the chances of successful treatment. Moreover, it helps to save a lot of money in the long run.

How Often Should You Have A Dental Check up?

In generally, people with a healthy mouth will only require annual visits for dental check up but maybe more frequent visits to our hygienist. on the other hand, people with certain oral risks such as gum disease will require more frequent visits to address those specific issues.

In short, the health of your gums and teeth will determine the frequency of your visits.

What To Expect On A Routine Dental Exam

The dental check up will be performed by our dentist Dr. Hormoz Pourkavoos.

During your check up appointment, Dr. Pourkavoos will:

  • Ask about your general health and any problems you’ve had with your teeth, mouth or gums since your last visit.
  • Ask about, and give you advice on, your diet, smoking and alcohol use, and teeth-cleaning habits.
  • Examine your teeth, gums and mouth.
  • He will carry out any investigations such as taking appropriate radiographs that may be neccsary.
  • Discuss with you any problems that may be present. This discussion will include options for how to treat the problem and you will be given an estimate of any potential costs.
  • Discuss a date for your next visit.

If the formulation of your treatment needs is more complex, then we will prepare a written care plan and costs, which will be delivered to you. You will then be invited to attend a further visit when we can discuss the plan in greater detail together. During this visit, you can ask any questions, which you may have about the proposed care plan.

10 Stanhope Place | Marble Arch
W2 2HH London | 020 7724 7440